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Združenie STORM - Občianske združenie

About us / Who we are

Who we are

The STORM association was established in 2002. Based on low threshold principles, it is active in the area of prevention of risk behaviour in various target groups following the harm reduction philosophy. The STORM association is a body accredited by the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic operating in the Nitra, Trnava and Zvolen Region.

Our mission and objectives

  • To contribute to addressing the issue of drug use and risk behaviour in the area of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention.
  • To place emphasis on the implementation of first contact.
  • To bring together people interested in preventive and especially contact work.
  • To prepare and distribute materials dealing with prevention of addictions and risk behaviour in target groups.
  • To cooperate with a network of organizations, institutions, public and state administration, municipalities and local administration in Slovakia and abroad in order to provide optimal conditions for the implementation of association’s programmes.


Harm Reduction

Harm Reduction means reducing risks/harms of individual’s behaviour. Risk is understood as the probability of an event to occur that may cause harm. Sharing injections, for instance, may lead to becoming infected with hepatitis. Harm Reduction gives one the option of choice, respects their decisions and supports any positive change.

Low Threshold Philosophy

Low threshold represents the actual accessibility of services. Services don’t place demands on clients that they are not able to meet and their benefits are available especially in clients’ natural environment.


primary prevention of risk behaviour in pupils and students in groups in Slovak primary and secondary schools


primary prevention with non-organized groups of children and youth in the town of Nitra


secondary prevention of drug addiction by means of outreach social work with drug users and sex workers in Nitra, Trnava and Sereď; safe disposal of injection equipment in Zvolen


a contact centre for drug users, sex workers and their relatives in Sereď.


preventive and awareness-raising activities with the public; counseling and support for relatives of target groups in Slovakia

Mgr. Pavol Ščasný

Mgr. Pavol Ščasný

EN - Na FZaSP TU som v roku 2010 prvý krát počul, čo a ako robí Združenie STORM. Hneď som sa prihlásil na nábor. Počas rokov som sa naučil pracovať s klientom, viesť tím ale aj školiť rôznych odborníkov z praxe v dôležitých témach. Momentálne pôsobím ako štatutárny zástupca združenia a koordinátor dvoch programov - KROK VPRED a ECHO. Som členom viacerých pracovných skupín v mestách nášho pôsobenia ale aj na MZSR. Som rád, že sa nám darí ovplyvňovať diane tzv. zospodu.

Mgr. Andrea Kosírová Hugáňová, PhD.

Mgr. Andrea Kosírová Hugáňová, PhD.

Mgr. Pavol Vančo

Mgr. Pavol Vančo

Mgr. Mária Ősziová

Mgr. Mária Ősziová

Mgr. Katarína Kotrecová

Mgr. Katarína Kotrecová

Mgr. Tatjana Tomić

Mgr. Tatjana Tomić